Miwuki Pet Age Calculator - Do

by Miwuki



Dog Age Calculator allows you to control your Dogs / Cats age in Human Years.Many people believe that multiplying by 7 every year of the dog or cat can be approximated age in human years. This is not correct, as their physiological development does not follow the same proportion as ours. Having an accurate calculation we must attend to its size and that not all races live the same.A wide variety of sizes, moreover, generates a great diversity of life expectancy, so that American scientists have made calculations to determine the age of the dogs and cats from their size.This calculator lets you control barking age the age of your dog / cat in human years of accurate manner according to recent studies conducted worldwide.Calculate the age of your dog / cat according to the race they belong!Our name is not Miwiki or Miwoki, its MIWUKI -> MI "Miau" - WU "Wuff" - KI "Kikiriki"